

Manage a list of articles within each show or section's editorial space. A thorough editorial workflow allows you to track articles as they progress through the Publishing Process.

The following tools streamline the article workflow:

Additionally, the following options are available for every article:

  • Promo URL - generate short URLs for each social media network, with UTM tracking included.
  • Preview URLs - generate a preview link to see how the article will appear once it has been published.
  • Update OG Data - once an article has been published, it can be updated with new OG data (such as the image used when sharing).
  • Unpublish - remove articles from the platform. Unpublished articles are returned to the "Out for Approval" stage can be re-published at any time.
  • Delete - delete an article from the platform. Deleted articles can be restored if necessary, and are then returned to "Work in Progress."