Catalog Management

Movie Assets

As we built out a range of experiences across Web, Mobile Native and OTT, a number of assets were required to fulfill those designs. Where those assets are available via the feed we ingest them, optimize them for the context they will be used in, save them to storage and expose via the CDN - all automatically.

Any feed assets can be easily overridden, and any overrides can be removed. Assets that are not available in the feed can be uploaded with the platform understanding the requirements on a per asset basis so that uploaded assets are resized, optimized and exposed via the CDN with as little technical knowledge and chance for error as possible.

At the movie level, we support the following:

  • Landscape Image - 16:9 ratio image used in a number of locations, including rows when displaying tiles in landscape format.
  • Portrait Image - 3:4 ratio image used in a number of locations, including rows when displaying tiles in portrait format.
  • OG Image - added to web meta-data to be picked up when Urls are shared on Social Networks.
  • OTT Background Image - used as a background in OTT spotlight areas as well as in OTT movie screens.

More information and guidance on assets can be found via the Freeform online style guide:

Freeform Online Style Guide

This was set up, configured and populated by Storm Ideas in partnership with Freeform.
