Digital Programming

Hero Details

Hero Types

There are a range of hero types that we have added to boost traffic to particular initiatives on the Freeform Platform. Heroes can link to a:

  • Section
  • Show
  • Movie
  • Episode
  • Article
  • Promo

Platform Visibility

Some heroes are only intended to be displayed on specific devices, rather than across all of the Freeform platform. On ShowMS, it is possible to modify any Home Hero to only appear on the devices that we choose.

Hero Images

Creating a Hero requires a set of images in the right dimensions, depending on which devices it will be displayed it on.

Title and Call-To-Action

Featured on home heroes are a title describing it, as well as a call-to-action button linking users to the displayed content. Both can be updated at any time. If needed, there is support for multiple call-to-action buttons e.g. a primary button directing users to a show page, while a secondary button directs users to watch a specific episode.


Before publishing a home hero, it can be previewed in order to check that everything displays correctly and works as expected.
